Grace Rose Farm

Mother's Day Bouquet Shop

Mother's Day Bouquet Shop

  Our Mother's Day Bouquet Shop We are touched and overwhelmed by the amount of inquiries we’ve received for our garden rose bouquets! It's heart...

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Florists, we're here for you

Florists, we're here for you

To our lovely clients, We want to let you know we’re here for you as we experience uncertain times for our industry. We understand many of you don...

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Taking on Thrips Naturally

Taking on Thrips Naturally

Everyday I receive numerous messages from people asking what the brown marks are all over their roses, specially in the heat of the summer. I don’t...

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Our Most Loved

Some of our hand-picked favorites. Available for next day delivery.

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Constance BouquetConstance Bouquet

Constance Bouquet

226 reviews
From $119.00
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Juliet BouquetJuliet Bouquet

Juliet Bouquet

191 reviews
From $119.00
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Leonora BouquetLeonora Bouquet

Leonora Bouquet

14 reviews
From $119.00
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